We decided to brave the trip to Michigan with two kids when Emmett was not quite three months old. I figured now was a good time since I am still on maternity leave and this way everyone could see Emmett while he was still a baby. I was a little nervous about flying with two kids and wasn't sure how the Little Guy would do. I would never have even considered flying with Clara when she was so small. I am the opposite of a germaphobe, but Dada had me paranoid to take her around large groups of strangers and I would have been sure she would have caught a disease on a plane. I am much less concerned this time around. Perhaps in part because it's my second child, perhaps because he seems so much sturdier and less fragile than she did. It turned out to be no problem.
Airports are fun! |
In order to avoid 12 plus hours of travel we flew into Detroit again. We had one layover in Phoenix and had just enough time to grab something to eat before we boarded, This trip was smooth butter and nothing like the last one (we decided that Tia is bad luck since she's had problems on both of her trips to Michigan). The Snuggle Buggle did great! He made lots of new friends, ate, and slept. He got a little fussy once when he was super tired and I nursed him for a second and he was out for a couple of hours! He actually took his chuponcito both times we took off and didn't have any trouble with his ears. It was better than I could ever have imagined.
"We're flying to Michigan!" |
Looks uncomfortable |
Clara was super excited about going to Michigan again since she remembers when we went in June. On the flight she told anyone who would listen that she was flying to Michigan! She played during the first fight and slept at least an hour on the second flight. Clarita even went potty on the plane! She also managed to spill all of her cups of water all over, once entirely down my boot! Flying itself is pretty entertaining for Clara and she doesn't even need many toys to occupy her. I always bring a ton, but she doesn't use most of them. She likes turbulence and says the plane is bouncing!
Although flying with two kids was definitely more difficult than flying with one, it was definitely doable and will be easy once Emmett is a little older. Let's hope our flights home are as smooth.
At one point we were all asleep! |
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