Monday, October 5, 2015

Two Months

The Little Guy continues to be an awesome baby. He is so easy going and usually content to just go with the flow. Emmett still spends a ton of time sleeping, much more than Clara ever did. He will often have a day where he is awake for much of the day and the sleep most of the next day Or he will be awake during the morning and sleep all afternoon. I usually spend Clarita's naps with Emmett sleeping on me just enjoying this stage and his sweet little sighs. I figure that he will only be tiny for a few months and I will have the rest of my life to get other things done so I'm enjoying every minute!

Our favorite way to spend the afternoon

He slept through my entire doctor appointment

The Snugglebuggle has been a trooper going to Gymboree, the library story group, and music classes with Clara. Add in weekly lunches with one of my friends and many other outings and he is always on his best behavior. He sleeps through much of them, only waking up to eat. The Little Guy attended his first baby shower and was on his best behavior. He was content to eat, sleep, and snuggle. Emmett came with us to look for new cars and was an angel for the entire nearly seven hours we were there. He slept, nursed three times, and smiled and cooed. The Little Guy even came for two test drives and nursed while we haggled. He had lots of admirers throughout our time there and we are so lucky to have such a chill baby.

First time riding in the stroller without his carseat

Park fun

First baseball game

First baby shower

Bye bye blue Prius :(

Hello Minivan :(:(

Emmett has slept through the night a few times, and generally sleeps between five and seven and a half hours at night. He wakes me up with grunts but rarely cries. Unlike his sister, he is content to wake up and grunt, smile, and coo rather than try to escape his swaddle. If he's awake when I put him down in the middle of the night I just give him a chuponcito and he sucks happily away before he falls asleep. He's not nearly as obsessed with chuponcitos as Clara was (thank goodness), but if he gets really fussy it generally calms him down.

His one downfall is that he is not into bottles. Emmett will occasionally take them without complaint, but often screams when we try. I remember Clarita going through a similar phase that was short lived and I hope that his is too. He's going to have to learn to take one before I go back to work so we'll keep trying.

Watching football with Fafa

Hanging out with Yayo

Meeting cousin Shawna

Lunch with Cara

Meeting Charity

Grace loved him!

Tio voluntarily picked him up!!
We all love the little snugglebuggle and he loves watching us, especially Clara. He smiles and coos and we can sometimes get a laugh out of him. He's a happy little guy most of the time and is so easy going. Perhaps the second child is always easier because you know what to expect, but this Little Guy really is a gem.

Bay Leaf loves Emmett!

Clara does too!

Bath time in the big tub

Dada snuggles


Although I call him the Little Guy, Emmett is huge. He doesn't eat as often as Clara did, but he just keeps growing and growing. He is definitely not little. He's not fat, but giant and sturdy, the exact opposite of Clara. I think he'll be as big as Clara soon! He is definitely a big boy and he's all boy. His hair even spikes into a little Mohawk like it knows he's a boy!

5 Weeks

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

8 Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 13 pounds 2 ounces (75th percentile!)
Height: 23.25 inches (75th percentile!)
Head Circumference: 16 inches

What Emmett Wears

This big guy wears 0-3 and 3 month clothes. His 3 month pajamas are getting a little snug, and with his giant cloth diapers his shorts are getting snug too.

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier or pouch, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos, bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, watching Clarita, going for walks in the stroller, getting his nose sucked out.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

He's a pretty easy going little guy but he doesn't like getting buckled into the car seat, waiting to eat, and bottles are not his favorite.

How Emmett Sleeps

The Snugglebuggle still spends the majority of the day sleeping. Some days he is awake more than others, but he is a sleepyhead in general. Emmett generally goes to bed around 9:30 after he nurses. He gets swaddled and sleeps in the bassinet in our room. He has been sleeping longer at night and slept through the night a few times. He generally wakes up between 3:00 and 5:00 AM. He generally goes right back to sleep after nursing and having a diaper change, but sometimes needs a chuponcito if he's wide awake.


Snugglebuggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules, Small Kevin (thanks Kate)

Monthly Exciting Events

September 27, 2015: Watches his first triathlon
September 22, 2015: Sleeps through the night from 9:45 to 5:00 
September 20, 2015: First time test driving a car, starts laughing
September 13, 2015: First time in the stroller without a car seat
September 12, 2015: First time alone solo with Dada (he cried most of the time)
September 10, 2015: First trip to CONREP, first time to a mall
September 9, 2015: First book club
September 6, 2015: Attends his first baseball game
September 5, 2015: Attends his first baby shower
September 3, 2015: First trip to HMC
September 1, 2015: First library play group, gets a library card
August 31, 2015: First real tears

Monthly Pictures

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