Monday, October 19, 2015

Pumpkins and Trains!

We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch at Hilcrest Tree Farm. Teegee was sick so they couldn't join us, but we loaded Tio, Tia, and Bailey into the minivan for the trip and we ran into a ton of friends there too! We hit the train first since we had heard about the crazy lines. Turns out it was a good choice because the line was insane when we got off! Clarita and Bay Leaf loved the train and laughed throughout the ride. Emmett slept in the carrier as usual. We attempted to get family pictures and pictures of the kids with the pumpkins, but Clara turned into a pill and did not want to take pictures. She threw tantrums when she did not get her way (like not being able to go inside an old truck) and we finally gave up. Bailey and Emmett were much more cooperative and smiled and posed. We got a few good pictures of all of us before Clarita threw an epic tantrum. I will be glad when this stage is over!

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