Saturday, October 3, 2015

Reedcito's Birthday Party

It seems like just yesterday Reedcito was born, the first baby in our group of friends, but he just turned four! Clarita is pretty fond of Reedcito and was super excited when he invited her to his birthday party. This was his first birthday party with friends and he requested that only "big kids" be invited. Big kids meant Clara, Connor, and Ryan. Sarah got Reed to agree to let Lyla and Kieran attend too and the babies, Rory and Emmett, got to come with their mommies. Reed requested a vehicle theme and there were lots of vehicles for the kids to play with. Sarah and Reedcito made cars out of cardboard boxes and the kids got to decorate license plates to put on their cars and then "drive" them around. There were snacks and stoplight rice krispy treats and the kids had a great time! We were excited to celebrate Reedcito!

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