Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Clara's Birthday Fun

On Clara's actual birthday we started the day out with me telling her she could have whatever she wanted for breakfast. I assumed she would ask for cupcakes or cookies (that's what I would do) but she asked for a bagel and juice. As she was eating these she put the pieces together and realized that I meant anything she wanted and she requested a cookie too. Dada was on a bike ride, but Clarita, Emmett, and I went to church and then met Dada at los Abuelos. We dropped Emmett off and headed to In N Out for lunch before taking her to her first movie in a movie theater. 

She was beyond excited, especially since the remake of Beauty and the Beast had just come out. I was a little worried it would be too scary so I let her watch the trailer which had some scary scenes prior to choosing a movie, and she was adamant that it was the movie she wanted. Clara got a tub of popcorn as big as her and settled into her seat. Apparently Dada and I had not been to the movies in a million years and we were very surprised at the super comfy recliner seats and the fact that you can buy tickets online that assign your seat in advance. She was enthralled by the movie and spent the first half in her seat before coming to sit with me because she was cold. We had to stay until the credits ended so she could continue to listen to the music!

Too engrossed in previews to look at the camera

We hit up Baskin Robbins after the movie and Clara enjoyed her ice cream but kept saying she missed Emmett. We picked him up and headed home where Clara opened the present we got her. She chose to eat chicken nuggets for dinner. Followed by cookies for dessert. It was the perfect day for her and she loved every minute of it. All day she kept talking about the fact that she was four and exclaiming about big she had gotten! It made me remember how special and exciting birthdays can be and I want to make sure we keep up the tradition of having one day that is just about her and what she wants to do!

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