Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Easter 2017

We had a great Easter this year! Clara picked out outfits for her and Bayleaf and insisted that they match all the way down to their shoes! For the first time ever, we got the kids Easter presents. They were very excited to open them! We started out with church where the kids watched a baptism and then Sunday School where Tia taught them about the resurrection followed by an Easter egg hunt. The kids had a great time and learned what Easter really means.

Admiring her spoils

After church we headed to los Tios for brunch. We got some picture of the kids before they got too dirty/tired and learned that everything, even flowers, is very distracting for kids. Tia made a delicious meal of quiche, baked french toast (aka dessert in the guise of breakfast), and super cheesy potatoes. Everyone else brought sides and we ate until we were about to pop! 

Throwing flowers

Emmett sandwich!

Emmett and Bailey are so silly together!

After lunch (and being spoiled by everyone with Easter presents), the kids hunted eggs. There were a million and their baskets were literally overflowing! The kids and I had decorated eggs and we hid those two. Clara found one first and asked why there was a real egg. When I told her they were to collect, she said she didn't want it and put it back! Bailey had a similar reaction. It makes me a little sad that kids only want plastic eggs filled with crap now.

"Why is there a real egg?"

"I don't want real eggs"

We took some family pictures and put Emmett down for a short nap after everyone left. We let Clarita watch Beauty and the Beast and she was in heaven!

Aba and her babies

The kids were pictured out

Dada almost fell asleep
We got Emmett up (he didn't actually wake up) to head to Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci's farm for our next Easter party. Unfortunately Grauntie Traci was sick, but all the cousins were there and the kids had a great time. They played in the tree house, packed as many people as they could on the swing, and of course had an Easter egg hunt. Right as the Easter egg hunt ended it started raining and we all packed up quickly and headed out. It was a great day filled with family and fun!


Jess and Clarita

Ryland and Eden

Ryland an Logan racing to find eggs

Jessica is such a good helper



Swinging with Dada

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