Friday, April 7, 2017

Frogs and Fairytales

Against my better judgment I agreed to take Clara to the zoo again for their annual Frogs and Fairytales celebration. I didn't really like it last year as it involved waiting in a lot of lines, but Clara had fun and kept asking about it. This year Tia and Bayleaf came along which made it more fun. Clara dressed as Elsa and requested that Emmett be Olaf so I obliged and got him an Olaf costume. It was the best decision ever and he was adorable! Numerous people asked if they could take pictures with him and the zoo photographer followed him around. He was the only Olaf around and he loved his costume and kept saying, "Awlaf, Emmee!" Bailey was Anna and she and Clara held hands and ran around.

Bailey wasn't sure about the princesses at first, but once she hugged the first one, she couldn't be stopped! I literally had to pry her off Cinderella! Clara loved them all and hugged them and posed for pictures. Emmett would have nothing to do with them and clung to my leg every time a princess tried to get him to come over.

All the kids enjoyed decorating crowns, decorating cookies (Emmett only wanted to hold his and refused to eat it), and eating the snacks. They looked at snakes and lizards and Clara even touched one. Both girls got glitter tatoos on their hands, and I think Emmett wanted one too!

After a couple of hours in princess land we took the costumes off and headed out to see Africa. We fed the giraffe (Emmett was so excited about this) and watched the baby lion play. It was a fun day for the kids and not nearly as bad as I had anticipated! I imagine more of these in our future.

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