Saturday, April 15, 2017

Lo Que Dice Clarita Invierno 2016/17

Clarita is a talker! She is either talking or singing all the time. Sometimes I wish for a moment of silence! She's a funny girl and comes up with some great sayings! She's very observant and likes to talk about things she notices which can be hilarious. Clara is always trying out new words she learns and some of her recent additions to her vocabulary are assume "I'm assuming Emmett is napping now," actually "I actually want to eat dessert," and horrifying "that was so horrifying!" She also likes to act out scenes from Frozen and Beauty and the Beast and tells Bailey what to say so she can act them out too. Clarita really is a riot and she always makes us laugh!

"I really love these Shopkins. I played with them a lot because I'm assessed (obsessed) with them! They're my favorite toys in the whole world and I never want to donate them!"
"Aba is the best grandma because she lets me sleep with books. Abuela Sheri doesn't."

Me: "Why did you wake up last night?" Clara: "Duh because I had fun toys from Christmas…eve!"
Me: "Don't poke your vagina." Clara: "It's howling so I have to scratch it!"
Me: "Duermate bien. (sleep well)" Clara: "You mean look at the techo (ceiling) bien." (she swore she wasn't going to sleep)
"Buenas techos!" (Instead of buenas noches)

"Silly Mohawk. You should shave that off it's not New Year's anymore!" (In response to Dada having a mohawk after New Year's Eve)
After a discussion with Tio Robert about how she wanted to be fat like Bailey and how eating vegetables will help her to grow) "I think my nose just got fatter!" 

"The ice cream is making my teeth cold so maybe I am the real sleeping beauty!"
"We grow and grow and then we die. But not for a long time, but soon!"
"She's a real hermana! She woke me up at nap time that's why she lives in a different castle!" (Talking about Bailey)

"Kevin never broke his wrist because he's strong! You're not strong enough, you're just a little strong."
"Russell I'm going to do russelling!"
Clara: "Siri!" Me: "What do you want to ask Siri?" Clara: "What's Bailey's favorite color?" Me: "I don't think she knows that." Clara: "Alexa does!"
Clara: "You're making stuff for my party? Tia always makes it." Me: "Well I'm going to do some this year." Clara: "Well Tia does it better!"

"Kevin did you hear me from downstairs? I want you to get down here and feed me breakfast! I want you to stop reading to Emmett and feed me breakfast or I'm gonna be mad at you! Whatev Kev!"
Screaming that her butt hurts. I convince her to go potty. Clara: "That's much better. I must have had a stick in there." Me: "You did not have a stick in there." Clara: "Yeah I fell down in the bark today so that must be what happened." Looks in the toilet "Are there any sticks in there?"

"We actually live in a estado, Chingle." Me: "No, we live in California." Clara: "Yeah. Chingle is actually French for California."
"Your hair is like a slinky."
"Do you know how to spell yellow potato which is French fry?"

"I'm gonna take all the fish out and make them dead so the ponies can eat them because they're so hungry."
Me: "Don't hit me with the pencil please." Clara: "I can hit Baza." After a discussion about how we do not hit things that are alive she says: "I can hit people that are muerta (dead)!"

"Dead m&ms aren't good. I had one in my cookie and Aba didn't like it either." Me: "What's a dead m&m?" Clara: "One without color." (It was actually a peanut)
"Tío didn't want a girl but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" (Regarding los Tios having another girl)

"What is this?" Me: "It's cabbage." Clara: "Is that dead murciélagos (bats)?" Me: " No I don't eat dead animals." Clara: "Well it looks like murciélagos."
"Why don't we have a casa de piscina (pool house) like the tíos? Oh I know, we have a garaje (garage) de piscina!"
Dada: "Ok. 4 more minutes." Clara: "No, 5 more seconds." Dada: "Are you sure you want 5 seconds?" Clara: "No, 6, no, 10 more seconds!" Dada: "Are you sure you want 10 seconds instead of 4 minutes?  What's longer a second or a minute?" Clara: "Hmmm...a second." Dada: "No, a minute is longer." Clara: "10 more minutes!"

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