Saturday, April 8, 2017

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita y Emmett

I hadn't done one of these in awhile so I picked Sunday, March 5, 2017 when we were home all day due to pinkeye. It was Tia's birthday and we were supposed to celebrate but Bailey got sick so we cancelled our plans and relaxed (if a day with two small children can be considered relaxing)!

6:24: Clara appears in our room. We snuggle.

6:32: Emmett is making noises on the monitor.
6:38: Clara says, "levántate Dada." (Get up Dada). She goes potty. Dada goes upstairs to get Emmett. 

6:47: Clara and I go upstairs. She goes in the crib and they play. Emmett requests to "mer" (eat) and I change a super poopy diaper. Clara gets out toys for them to play with. They get dressed and play and read. Clara makes her bed. We brush hair and Clara chooses clips. Emmett insists on clips too.

7:26: We head downstairs to eat French toast that Dada made.

7:49: Time to clean up. Emmett continues to eat. Clara plays. 

8:04: Emmett finally finishes. I jump in the shower and dada helps brush teeth. He and Clara play a game and Emmett runs around drumming on everything. Then they wrestle in the living room.

8:45: Baby Signing Time and diaper change. 

9:05: Clara helps me fold laundry while Emmett runs around crazy.

9:30: Clara requests to paint. They paint and color. A fight ensues because Emmett wants the same stickers as Clara.

10:15: Emmett eats a snack of pears while Clara decorates Easter cards.

10:30: More tantrums because Clara doesn't want to go potty and Emmett wants to eat more than the half a pear he already ate. Clara goes potty and Emmett gets distracted by reading with Dada. 

10:50: Emmett convinces Dada to give him more pear. Clara finishes decorating her eggs and cleans up. 
11:00: After throwing a tantrum because I wouldn't let him eat berries, Emmett and I got upstairs to cut fingernails and read while Clara continues crafting and Dada makes tapioca pudding and Emmett's lunch. 
11:24: Diaper change and then head downstairs to eat.
11:40: Lunch of grilled cheese sandwich, string cheese, berries and carrots, for Emmett. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, berries, and carrots for Clara.

11:57: They finish eating. Clara cries because she didn't eat her lunch and can't have dessert. We go upstairs and Emmett throws a book at her head and she cries some more. Emmett and I read and do a poopy diaper change while Clara reads in her room.
12:10: Emmett goes down for his nap singing and is asleep within minutes. Clara and I read she tries to go potty but fails. 

12:24: Clara goes to bed.

2:43: Clara comes downstairs after not sleeping at all. She laid in bed rolled around, opened and closed her door, but did not sleep. She said she wasn't tired and was opening her door to see if Emmett was up yet. She reads some books, we cut fingernails, and she cleans up toys. 

3:03: Snack of graham crackers, cream cheese, and berries.

3:20: Dada wakes Emmett up and changes diaper/clothes. 

3:42: Head out for Fafa's orchards to take some pictures with the blossoms. 
4:00: We arrive and it's raining. Dada takes pictures while I jump around like a crazy person trying to get them to smile. There's a lot of crying and fighting over props. It ends with Emmett falling in a puddle right as we are about to put them in the car.

5:00: Arrive at los Abuelos (e made last minute plans to go to dinner with them after pictures). Clara takes some more pictures in their yard while Emmett changes his diaper and they eat pouches. Dada dries Emmett's socks with the blow dryer and Clara goes potty. 

5:35: We head to Fresno for dinner. 

6:10: We get to the Peruvian restaurant Dada picked and it's closed (he did not check the schedule). We go to sushi instead. Clara eats rice and salad, all with chopsticks with the trainer that holds them together. Emmett eats a California roll (until he gets a bite of crab and spits it out), tempura shrimp and tempura zucchini. 

7:35: Clara goes potty and I change Emmett's diaper. 
7:47: We head home. Both kids fall asleep. 
8:30: We arrive at los Abuelos. We transfer the kids to our car and head home. 
8:50: We get home and unload still sleeping kids. Emmett sleeps through his diaper change and finally wakes up after we put his pajamas on. He gets a second wind and runs around crazy. Clara stays half asleep and crawls into bed after Dada takes her clothes off. She is very sad about every little thing. 

9:15: Emmett goes to bed and falls asleep immediately. Clara reads, goes potty, and brushes hair. 

9:30: Clara goes to bed and is immediately asleep. 

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