Saturday, April 8, 2017

Second Annual Zooentines Day

We headed to the zoo to celebrate Valentine's Day again. We adopted animals for the kids as is tradition and Clara (and Bailey) got a baby lion in honor of the new baby lion and Emmett got a fox. Unfortunately Dada was out of town, but we met los Tios there and had a great time. Tia got the girls matching dresses and Emmett a festive shirt and they ran around exclaiming over the animals.

We always have fun at the zoo and are so lucky to have a great zoo so close by. The baby lion is just adorable and we all enjoyed watching him run around and play. We also got to see the new kangaroo walk about and Clara enjoyed touching the sting rays (Bailey and Emmett wouldn't have anything to do with it). All the kids fed the giraffes and I think that may be Emmett's new favorite part of the zoo. He isn't scared at all and runs up to the giraffe with his lettuce outstretched.

We went to lunch afterwards and it involved tantrums, kids laying on the floor, and falling out of chairs. Never a good idea to go to a restaurant with tired kids, but we seem to do it all the time. All in all we had a great day and the kids were exhausted and ready for naps by the time we were done.

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