Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Emily's Triathlon

Emily decided to give triathlons a tri, and Kevin was super excited and loved giving her and Kate pointers. Of course we had to see her in action! It was at Millerton and Kevin had actually done both the sprint and olympic distances a few years earlier there. It was pretty chilly and sprinkling when we got there. Kate was super nervous since Emily had not really trained aside from swimming. Ironically, the swim was the hardest part for her because the water was so cold and she couldn't breathe! She still did pretty good on the swim and she kept her pace on the bike and run. Emily is in such great shape and an all around great athlete that she made it look easy and always had a smile on her face! She did a great job and got second in her age group (the winner was junior triathlete of the year or something equally ridiculous and overall female winner)! Clarita and Sophia had a great time playing with Shopkins and Emmett ran around crazy and ate everything in sight. Ethan has decided that he may do a triathlon now and Clara says she'll do one when she's a "big nina." We went to lunch afterwards and enjoyed our time with one of our favorite families!

The cheering section

I finally found someone who makes faces as awesome as mine
while running!

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